Home / Internațional / Vaccin Obligatoriu în America – sancțiuni pentru cine refuză!

Vaccin Obligatoriu în America – sancțiuni pentru cine refuză!

Vlad Voicu
Incorect Politic
August 12, 2020

Este vorba de un ordin executiv în cadrul universității din California, care impune vaccinarea obligatorie pentru studenți. Probabil se poate contesta în isntanță, dar semnele nu sunt deloc bune.


Vaccin Obligatoriu în America - sancțiuni pentru cine refuză!

Sursa : https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/states-have-authority-to-fine-or-jail-people-who-refuse-coronavirus-vaccine-attorney-says


  1. FILM OBLIGATORIU DE EXPUS SI DE VIZIONAT , cenzurarea pe vimeo a filmului: ” PRACTICILE SECRETE ALE LUI WHO” (World Health Organization) in romana : OMS

    Vimeo removes our film “trustWHO” which depicts the hidden practices of the WHO

    Vimeo removes our film “trustWHO” which depicts the hidden practices of …


    Vimeo removes our film “trustWHO” which depicts the hidden practices of the WHO
    22,829 views22K views
    •Apr 17, 2020
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    A few days ago, Vimeo deleted our Documentary Feature “trustWHO”, directed by Lilian Franck, from their platform, stating that they do not support “Videos that depict or encourage self-harm, falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.” This claim about our documentary is both misleading and false. “trustWHO” has been thoroughly researched for 7 years; it has been fact-checked and approved by lawyers, experts in the medical field and even by key executives of the WHO itself. The documentary simply investigates how efficiency and transparency of the World Health Organization are undermined by both corporate influences and a lack of public funding. It is a journalistic investigation based on facts – and far from what Vimeo makes it out to be. This is our full statement on the matter, presented by Robert Cibis (Filmmaker, Co-author and producer of “trustWHO”). To support our work and further investigations for the current Corona Crisis, please help us by donating here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/co… You will find the links to our full-length documentary “trustWHO” below: English: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/video/dethttps://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/truhttps://play.google.com/store/movies/… Deutsch: https://www.amazon.de/TrustWHO-OV-Lil… Français: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0FW

  2. link direct pentru filmul recomandat de mine mai sus :

    titlul filmului cheie pentru coruptia din WHO/OMScare ne dicteaza noua toate masurile criminale “anti-corona”:

    Vimeo removes our film “trustWHO” which depicts the hidden practices of the WHO
    •Apr 17, 2020

  3. Trebuie să ne spui unde ai fost, goy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8621641/Coronavirus-tracing-app-launched-again.html
    Users of app will be asked to scan in at barcode points in pubs and restaurants
    Pilot schemes will begin on Isle of Wight – where first app was tested and failed
    The public will be urged to provide a ‘virtual diary’ of their recent movements
    Utilizatorilor aplicației vor trebui să scaneze codul de bare la terase și restaurante
    Publicului i se va cere să furnizeze un jurnal virtual al deplasărilor lor recente

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