Sterie Ciumetti
Incorect Politic
Noiembrie 21, 2019
O fetiță de 17 ani, Natalie Bird, a fost suspendată de la școală pentru refuzul de a purta un mac în culorile curcubeului, cu ocazia Remembrance Day (Ziua Amintirii), pentru comemorarea milioanelor de soldați tineri care au murit în cele două războaie mondiale.
Într-un raport făcut de publicația canadiană The Post Millenial, aflăm că fata este verișoară cu Cyara Bird, o fostă reprezentantă conservatoare din Northern Manitoba.
Bird a anunțat că verișoara sa a fost suspendată și de pe media socială, ca urmare a refuzului de a accepta culorile curcubeului în tradiționalul mac roșu-negru, folosit pentru comemorarea soldaților din cele două războaie mondiale.
Natalie și încă un elev și-au exprimat indignarea față de incorporarea curcubeului LGBT în mac, spunând că este o lipsă de respect față de aceia care și-au dat viața în război.
În consecință, ea și celălalt elev au fost trimiși în biroul directorului și au fost pedepsiți pentru pozițiile lor.
My 17 year old cousin was suspended today… want to know why? Her choir teacher was demanding that the choir wear rainbow poppies during their performance in the Remembrance Day ceremony. She and another student rejected that idea, and both were suspended for “hate speech.”
— Cyara Bird (@CyaraBird) November 6, 2019
Au fost acuzați de discurs al urii, iar conducerea școlii le-a spus să tacă.
I should add that the school screamed at her to stay quiet about it. This is a message sent to me from my uncle, my cousin’s father.
— Cyara Bird (@CyaraBird) November 7, 2019
Natalie will be suspended from school until AFTER Remembrance Day! Wow. Just wow.
— Cyara Bird (@CyaraBird) November 7, 2019
Bird dezvăluie faptul că motivul direct al suspendării a fost “discurs al urii”:
“There was no forcing of wearing a multicolor poppy it was a strong suggestion that Natalie was strongly against and when she put her feeling on paper she was suspended for hate speech”.
— Cyara Bird (@CyaraBird) November 7, 2019
Într-un alt articol din The Post Millennial , Natalie descrie ce s-a întâmplat:
“They accused me of hate speech and endangering the physical safety of the group of individuals [LGBT students].” Natalie says, “They asked me what I was thinking, and I told them everything … I said I was just voicing my beliefs and morals.”
Natalie says the two male administrators continued to accuse her of “hate speech,” and she became so scared at one point that she was on the verge of tears. “I got to the point of almost crying but I didn’t. I had to be the voice for all those families who were greatly disrespected and offended.”
Natalie mai adaugă faptul că a încercat să înregistreze conversația pe care a avut-o cu conducerea școlii, dar telefonul i-a fost confiscat.
“So I asked why? Why am I being suspended and punished for expressing my feelings? And they said everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, opinions, and way of life. So I asked, why am I not?”
Natalie says her parents were notified at the end of the suspension order. Her father confirmed that he witnessed her phone being returned to her after he arrived to pick her up, and also confirmed that she is not allowed to return to school until Tuesday. They stated that the exact reason for suspension was “hate speech,” not a specific refusal to wear the rainbow poppy. Bird noted that Natalie’s father is “very proud” of his daughter.
Slavă Domnului că trăiesc în România și nu în Canada.