Incorect Politic
Iulie 7, 2019
Comentariu iscălit de Mihail:
“Guvernul înființează un Comitet interministerial de elaborare a Strategiei Naționale pentru combaterea antisemitismului, xenofobiei, radicalizării și discursului de ură”
Asta suna a chestie impusa din afara, de jidanii din Occident – iar Viorica doar executa ordinul stapanilor.
Ceea ce nu inteleg cei din Vest e ca in Romania nu merge cu aburelile astea, oamenii au probleme reale.
Cat priveste “Combaterea antisemitismului” – toate aceste persecutii ale goyimilor de catre jidani fac parte din procesul prin care populatia o sa ajunga atat de furioasa pe jidani ca o sa fie expulzati, sau chiar mai rau.
Daca vreti o doza de optimism, va invit sa studiati Istoria Antisemitismului — pe wikipedia.
Evreii repeta aceleasi lucruri de sute de ori, iar consecinta e de fiecare data expulzarea/uciderea.
Faptul ca evreii ne persecuta – le demasca puterea si va duce la un nou holocaust.
Istoria se repeta din nou, si evreii repeta ce au facut si alta data.
Cand inamicul tau face greseli, nu il intrerupe.
Repet: Faptul ca evreii ne persecuta e un lucru bun.
Fara acest lucru, oamenii nu se vor infuria, si nu vor lua masuri drastice impotriva lor.
Daca studiati istoria antisemitismului, din Egiptul secolului 5 ien, cand Alexndria era capitala economica a lumii, si bineinteles ca Alexandria era plina de evrei, fiindca ei trag la bani ca mustele la cacat..
Din acelasi motiv azi New York-ul e plin de evrei, fiindca e capitala financiara a lumii, Wall Street.
De la egipteni, la romani, la crestinii din evul mediu…
Romanii au nivelat templul din Ierusalim si nu au lasat piatra peste piatra.
Ce au facut evreii, de i-au infuriat pe toti asa de tare?
De fiecare data au facut crime, si i-au persecutat pe cei care s-au opus.
Faptul ca suntem persecutati de evrei – e o piesa esentiala in venirea unui holocaust.
Ar trebui ca motto-ul nostru sa fie NEVER AGAIN !
Niciodata sa nu mai permitem evreilor sa mai faca ce au facut de sute de ori in istorie.
Ca nepotii si stranepotii sa invete din istorie si sa nu le mai permita asta.
Sa confiscam motto-ul evreilor cu holo-escrocheria Never Again
Si sa il intoarcem peste cap si sa ii dam un nou sens.
Nu le vom mai permite niciodata evreilor sa mai faca ce au facut. NEVER AGAIN !
Cititi istoria antisemitismului si veti avea o perspectiva de ansamblu a ceea ce se intampla in momentul de fata.
Ce se intampla acum e doar un episod, doar un act. Cand vedeti tot serialul, veti intelege ca de fiecare data evreii fac aceleasi greseli si se incheie cu expulzare/pogrom.
Veti avea o perspectiva de ansamblu, si veti intelege ca istoria se repeta… si ceea ce fac evreii acum face parte din drumul spre holocaust.
#NeverAgain #ThisTimetheWorld
The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back to Alexandria in the 3rd century BCE.[6] Alexandria was home to the largest Jewish community in the world.
Feldman concedes that after Manetho “the picture usually painted is one of universal and virulent anti-Judaism”.
Erau urati fara nici un motiv.
Sunt sigur ca Alexandria, centrul financiar al Egiptului avea cea mai mare populatie evreiasca din lume – iar acestia nu faceau nimic, erau inocenti ca niste miei.
Cyril of Alexandria
Actul 1: “Socrates Scholasticus recounts that upon hearing of Hierex’s severe and public punishment, Cyril threatened to retaliate against the Jews of Alexandria with “the utmost severities” if the harassment of Christians did not cease immediately.”
Urmeaza Chutzpah:
Actul 2:
“In response to Cyril’s threat, the Jews of Alexandria grew even more furious, eventually resorting to violence against the Christians. They plotted to flush the Christians out at night by running through the streets claiming that the Church of Alexander was on fire. When Christians responded to what they were led to believe was the burning down of their church, “the Jews immediately fell upon and slew them” by using rings to recognize one another in the dark and killing everyone else in sight. ”
Nu sunt asa de inocenti, nu-i asa?
Actul 3:
When the morning came, Cyril, along with many of his followers, took to the city’s synagogues in search of the perpetrators of the massacre.”
Actul 4
According to Socrates Scholasticus, after Cyril rounded up all the Jews in Alexandria, he ordered them to be stripped of all possessions, banished them from Alexandria, and allowed their goods to be pillaged by the remaining citizens of Alexandria.
Trageti singuri concluziile.
Gasiti nenumarate astfel de exemple, sute, studiind istoria antisemitismului.
#NeverAgain #ThisTimetheWorld
The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back to Alexandria in the 3rd century BCE.[6] Alexandria was home to the largest Jewish community in the world.
Feldman concedes that after Manetho “the picture usually painted is one of universal and virulent anti-Judaism”.
Erau urati fara nici un motiv.
Sunt sigur ca Alexandria, centrul financiar al Egiptului avea cea mai mare populatie evreiasca din lume – iar acestia nu faceau nimic, erau inocenti ca niste miei.
Cyril of Alexandria
Actul 1: “Socrates Scholasticus recounts that upon hearing of Hierex’s severe and public punishment, Cyril threatened to retaliate against the Jews of Alexandria with “the utmost severities” if the harassment of Christians did not cease immediately.”
Urmeaza Chutzpah:
Actul 2:
“In response to Cyril’s threat, the Jews of Alexandria grew even more furious, eventually resorting to violence against the Christians. They plotted to flush the Christians out at night by running through the streets claiming that the Church of Alexander was on fire. When Christians responded to what they were led to believe was the burning down of their church, “the Jews immediately fell upon and slew them” by using rings to recognize one another in the dark and killing everyone else in sight. ”
Nu sunt asa de inocenti, nu-i asa?
Actul 3:
When the morning came, Cyril, along with many of his followers, took to the city’s synagogues in search of the perpetrators of the massacre.”
Actul 4
According to Socrates Scholasticus, after Cyril rounded up all the Jews in Alexandria, he ordered them to be stripped of all possessions, banished them from Alexandria, and allowed their goods to be pillaged by the remaining citizens of Alexandria.
Trageti singuri concluziile.
Gasiti nenumarate astfel de exemple, sute, studiind istoria antisemitismului.