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Cei care merg iute au șanse de 4 ori mai mici să ia Covid

Vlad Voicu
Incorect Politic
Aprilie 19, 2021

Cei care merg iute au șanse de 4 ori mai mici să ia Covid

Viteza de mers afectează în mod direct starea de sănătate, cu cât mergi mai iute, cu atât ești mai sănătos.

Cei care merg mai încet  au șanse de patru ori mai mari să ia covid, relatează un studiu.

Studiul a fost publicat în Jurnalul Internațional de Obezitate și a fost efectuat pe pacienți britanici.

The study, appearing in the International Journal of Obesity, focused solely on British patients. Researchers also only examined patient outcomes during the first wave of the pandemic.


  1. Deci oxigenarea naturala la capacitate normala arata ca organismul nu va face gripe si viroze.
    Mastile reduc la 80% aerul si apoi te baga pe oxigen pur de la butelie si mori. Cititi cate efecte rele are oxigenul pur.

  2. studiu arata ca Pfizer si ModeRNA sunr de 30 de ori mai peruculoare decat Astra cu Zeneca


  3. 10000 morti oficial de vaccin

    Crime impotriva humanitatii

    A total of 9,667 deaths after COVID-19 shots have been reported to EudraVigilance and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), according to Health Impact News. These online databases facilitate reporting of adverse reactions to experimental COVID-19 shots in Europe and the United States, respectively. This is all official, unofficial, who knows but for sure there are more.

    There is no simple way to tabulate results in EudraVigilance. So Health Impact News did the tedious tasks of manually compiling the data. The Pfizer/BioNTech shot has caused 3,760 reported deaths as of April 10. Moderna is responsible for 1,801 deaths, while AstraZeneca sits at 1,086 deaths. Johnson & Johnson is not widely used in Europe. But it is responsible for 15 deaths. All of the shot are responsible for nearly 300,000 total injuries as well.


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